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Boron Elgar Boron Elgar is offline
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Default Wagyu beef review

On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:50:19 -0400, wrote:

>On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:16:42 -0600, Sqwertz >
>>On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:01:11 -0500, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> Yes, it was just like I've seen in photos, very pronounced ribbons of
>>> fat. If you had that much fat on a chuck roast and cooked it like a
>>> regular pot roast, I'd imaging you'd end up with little meat. Burgers
>>> sounds like a good by-product given the marbling.

>>This is the brand I had:
>>It didin't look or taste any better than USDA Prime - if that. They
>>have one higher grade ("5-Star") that supposedly has about 50% more

>I see that is American Kobe Beef - so how are they raising it ?
>Individually the way the Japenese raise their Kobe beef ? If they are
>not raised tenderly and fed beer then really the whole concept of Kobe
>beef is missing

The marbling in a piece of true, Japanese Kobe beef is striking. This
has not got it, nor does this company make any legal claim to its
being such.

This is where caution and careful reading come into play. The brand
name this company uses is "American Kobe Beef." The USDA has no
standards for the term or do the appropriate regulators have one for
such a name brand, and so, really, that is all it is - a branding.

Wagyu are just a type of cattle that marble up easier than many other
beef stock animals. Here in the US, they are often interbred and so
likely differ from their Japanese origins.

I think the way this particular beef is named is a money-grab, though
not an illegal one.


Good Japanese markets will have the real stuff. And similar to first
rate sashimi-grade fish, the costs will be through the roof.