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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Do two ingredients make a 'recipe'?

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> Gary wrote:
>>I also grew up eating Wheaties (the breakfast
>>of champions). This was because it was my Dad's
>>favorite cereal, so we kids got it too. I did like it.

> I think Wheaties and all those flakey wakey cereals are crap, they are
> like eating mystery meat, you've really no idea what's in it. This is
> my favorite cereal, I can see what's in it, much better than any of
> those way over priced flakey wakey kiddie cereals, and I do save
> buying it by the four 40 oz bags case, keep the extras in my basement
> fridge... very good with cinnamon and a little honey or dark brown
> sugar, makes a great lunch or dinner too... I also add some to bran
> muffins. It's dense so takes up much less space than that mostly air
> kiddie cereal... sometimes I'll mix a cup with two cups of milk and
> leave it in the fridge over night, by morning it's a delicious cold
> porridge... it's good hot too:

The ingredients are listed right on the box.