Thread: Locally Laid
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Xeno Xeno is offline
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Default Locally Laid

On 27/01/2015 12:46 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Xeno wrote:
>> Bructhcie listhped:
>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> Bove wrote:
>>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> So now every morning I am jarred awake to the sound of hammers, leaf
>>>>>>> blowers and I'm not sure what all else as people attempt to put their
>>>>>>> yards and houses back in order.
>>>>>> "It's a hell of a day at sea, sir!"
>>>>> Leaf blowers for the sea weed?
>>>> Um, even a fifth grade Writer would have immediately spotted your
>>>> error, 'seaweed' is one word... been so since 1577.
>>> That's writer, without a capital.

>> Touche' mon ami! ;-)

> You're incorrect... Writer can be capitalized when used as a pronoun.

You are absolutely correct except that, in the context in which you have
used the term, it can never be considered a pronoun. Context, in this
case, is everything.

That means that I am correct.

