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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Forgot to list the beans!

On 2015-01-26 9:59 AM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:

>>> Maybe Texans are rigid like that, but nobody else is. My current
>>> favorite chili is made with chicken and white beans.

>> That's not chili.

> I used to run into that kind of attitude on some of the bbq groups. I'd
> reply it was the same mindset that states there's only one way to make
> love to one's spouse.

People these days are notorious for mislabeling all sorts of things.
They take one aspect of something and use it for just about anything
that contains that one ingredient. Look at previous threads about
martinis. A martini is a specific cocktail using gin and vermouth and
may have vodka instead of gin. These days there are a thousand and one
girlie drinks that are called martini because they are served in a
martini (cocktail) glass.