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In article >,
(PENMART01) wrote:
>>Default User
>>What you see as "condensed milk" is sweetened condensed milk, that is
>>milk with a bunch of sugar added.

>Nope. If it doesn't say "Sweetened" then it is not. Evaporated Milk and
>Condensed Milk are EXACTLY the same... in modern times which term is used
>depends on where in the world one is.

Well here in Oz, the two types are mostly different in sugar
content and "other" (water?). According to the compositions of the
Carnation formulations [best viewed in fixed font such as Courier]:

Protein Fat (Total) Sugar Balance
Evaporated milk (g/100ml)

"Light & Creamy" 8.4 1.6 11.6 78.4
"Creamy" 8.4 8.6 11.6 71.4

Condensed milk (g/100g)

Carnation Sweetened 8.5 8.1 55 28.4

Incidentally, the "Light and Creamy" claims to be "98.5% Fat Free",
which may be right based on wt/wt if the S.G. is about 1.07. ;-)

Cheers, Phred.
