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Janet B Janet B is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,438
Default What's on your Superbowl menu?

On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:17:02 +0000, Tim w > wrote:


>Fried potatoes, of course, yummy. but processed frozen potato based
>thingies - no I don't eat them. And the recipe for processed potato
>croquettes with processed cheese, bacon and of all things SUGAR on them.
>No, that isn't cooking and I wouldn't want anyone to have to eat
>something like that.
>Tim w

I understand that your goal is to show how superior you are to those
in the US. However, making a point several times to show your disdain
for the sugar only shows that you don't know why it is there. Quit
while you are ahead.
Janet US