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MaryL[_2_] MaryL[_2_] is offline
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Default How to Make Toast

"Julie Bove" wrote in message ...

True! My friend became blind at age 8. Of course a video wouldn't have
helped her but she was never allowed to use things in the kitchen. Her mom
was a caterer and did all of the cooking. So she had to go to school to
learn how to do things like grocery shop and cook as a blind person.
Including using the toaster.

That is so sad. I have a friend who has been blind since birth. She earned
a PhD, got all A's all the way through school, and taught at a state
university. I took her out to eat and grocery shopping once a week until
she moved to another town. She was remarkable--lived alone, cooked her
meals, and even had developed a sense of what colors of clothes went
together (developed from reading). She would ask questions about the colors
and then hang clothes in her closet so she would know what "went together."
