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Ignoramus23157 wrote:
> Some amusing facts about dead longevity experts...
> America's most acclaimed longevity specialist - author of How To Get Well
> and How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young With Juice Fasting - had died of a
> stroke at 64. This was more than a decade short of 74.5, the average age of
> male mortality.

Paavo Airola

> Next cab off the rank, in 1985, was Nathan Pritikin - who suicided as
> leukemia overtook him, at 69.

He started off with cancer and put together his diet as he researched
things to better his lot.

> Australian health writer Ross Horne, a friend
> of Pritikin's, says he would have lived years longer had he only embraced
> 'Man's natural diet', fruitarianism.
> T.C. Fry - leader of the Natural Hygiene movement in the US - did exactly
> this, when ill-health hit him in his late sixties. He even died a
> fruitarian: at the age of 70, of a pulmonary embolism.

70 is still a respectable life span.

> Jim Fixx founded the jogging cult in the USA,
> with his 1977 Complete Book of Running . One chapter is a scorching
> repudiation of a Playboy article titled Jogging Can Kill You .In 1984 Jim
> Fixx was felled by a heart attack as he jogged through the
> streets near his home. He was 52.

Not fair. He had a congenital heart defect.

> George Ohsawa, inventor of Macrobiotics ("the way of long life") had a more
> comprehensive approach still: embodying spiritual as well as nutritional
> values. He expired of lung cancer at 73.

I read some of his stuff, it was nutty.

> Roy Walford, a scientist researching and practicing calorie restriction -- a
> theory suggesting that eating less dramatically increases life expectancy --
> died at 69, reportedyl of Advanced Lateral Sclerosis.

Again, not fair, he had this disease before his regime. It may have
given him more time then he would have had otherwise.

> Robert Atkins, a promoter of low carbohydrate, high fat diets, died at
> 70 years of age after falling on an icy sidewalk.

He he. His illegally published autoposy showed to be very overweight,
even accounting for the bloating from medical complications the lawyers
for the Atkins corporation claims to explain it. Supposedly the
autoposy also showed advanced arterioscherlosis.

Interesting post.
