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isw isw is offline
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Default Slow cooker rant and question

In article >,
Moe DeLoughan > wrote:

> On 1/22/2015 11:16 PM, isw wrote:
> > Cooking is chemistry. Chemical reactions proceed at a speed determined
> > by temperature. The conversion of tough catch-in-your-teeth cartilage
> > and gristle into unctious gelatin doesn't really get started until the
> > temperature reaches about 165-170 F, and the meat needs to spend
> > considerable time above that temperature for the process to do its magic
> > (to a point, higher = faster). Waiting two or three hours for a slow
> > cooker to get to a temperature where things can even get started is just
> > wasteful.

> So in other words, you want a low cooker, not a slow cooker.

What I want is a cooker that can be set to whatever temperature I want,
gets to that temperature fairly quickly, and then maintains that
temperature with half-degree precision.

And with the controller I added to the broken All Clad unit, I have two
out of three. the slow cooker that I started with just doesn't have a
powerful enough heater to get to a higher temperature very fast. And of
the three "wants", not having that one is at least possible to live with.
