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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Posts: 3,438
Default I've just realized. . .

Sunday is my birthday, the Australian Open finals, and Super Bowl. How
great is that !
I want to do some Mexican kinds of snacky things, but I have a
problem. My husband recently had a kidney stone and the stone
analysis showed it to be calcium oxalate -- the most common kind. As
a result he was given a list of high oxalate foods he may not eat.
Beans of any kind are on the 'never' list. So are potatoes (sweet as
well), carrots, leafy greens, chocolate, berries and nuts.
So, does anyone have any ideas for Mexican snacky things without any
of the above? I don't mind cooking or shopping for ingredients. I
appreciate any ideas. I've kind of fallen into a rut about feeding us
and complying with the list.
Janet US