Thread: Stilton
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Ross@home Ross@home is offline
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Default Stilton

On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 17:49:32 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>I finally tried it. I screwed up with my shopping last week. I had
>decided that since I liked moldy cheeses and had never had Stilton I
>should give it a try. I went to the cheese section, saw Stilton and
>grabbed the smallest piece they had... it was just to sample. What a
>disappointment to get home and discover that what I had picked up was a
> piece of Danish blue. Well, it will be eaten and enjoyed, but it was
>disappointing that it was not the Stilton I was expecting.
>I went shopping this morning and set about righting my wrong. I made
>the cheese section my first stop, found a small piece of Stilton...
>double checked to make sure it was Stilton and not some random blue
>cheese in the wrong place.
>I just tried some with my pre dinner cocktail. I don't often post using
>OMG, but OMG, it is delicious.
>Come to think of it... we were once served a leek soup with grated
>Stilton.. but that was different because it was on a strong flavoured
>soup. This was the first time for Stilton in its own. I will be buying

I've been a lover of blue cheese for more than 60 years.
The # 1, under the blue cheese section of my "Best Of" list is without
a doubt, Roquefort - Papillon Noir.
If you get a chance, give it a try.

Southern Ontario, Canada