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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default I've just realized. . .

On 1/30/2015 11:55 AM, Gary wrote:
> Cheryl wrote:
>> GO HALKS! Not really a fan but I hate NE so if I'm going to watch, I'll
>> be hoping for Seattle to win.

> Cheryl! Shame on you, you East Coast traitor! This superbowl has
> become East Coast vs West Coast. That has been dividing many of the
> other team fans.
> Why do you hate NE? They have been my favorite team for about 10
> years. All of the cheating claims aside, they are one great team.

Yeah, I've laughed over "deflategate" Belichick. He's not fit to be
a coach. He's corrupt and, not just over this.

And no matter how much they suck lately I'll stay a Skins fan and once
they can get rid of Danny boy (maybe with all the stupid mistakes
they're making lately, I'd guess they WANT Dan to sell them). They're
not a bad team, they just make stupid mistakes.

Here's funny article with Bill Nye the science guy.

"This is probably the first in a procession of scientists who will bring
a whole new level of scrutiny to the subject as Super Bowl XLIX week
begins, but Nye, a mechanical engineer who made a name for himself on
TV, said he believes that scientific explanations for how the balls lost
their loft hold no water. Im not too worried about Coach Belichick
competing with me, Nye said. What he said didnt make any sense.

Instead, Nye told Good Morning America that he thinks they could have
become deflated only by deliberate, manual means. Thats the opposite
argument Belichick made in a press conference Saturday, when he said
that no one had tampered with the balls, deflating them below the NFLs
12.5 pounds per square inch threshold.

To change the pressure in a ball, Nye said, you need one of these and
held up gauge with a needle."
