Thread: Egg size
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Xeno Xeno is offline
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Default Egg size

On 31/01/2015 4:00 PM, wrote:
> Is it my imagination or are eggs getitng smaller? I have always bought jumbo
> size eggs as opposed to extra large. It seems lately that the eggs are smaller
> than they used to be. Is this possible? Wouldn't size of eggs be regulated by
> some government agency? Dept. of Agriculture or some such.

In Australia, we buy eggs by weight. Typically we buy 700 or 800 gram
sized eggs. One thing we have noticed is that the eggs are much more
pale than they used to be. We have been able to compare because
occasionally we get eggs from the "farm gate" and there is no
comparison, the yolks are a strong yellow colour. There is a small farm
down the road and they sell eggs very cheaply. The chickens are
definitely not caged - they are running around your feet!

