Egg size
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Jean B.[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 11,612
Egg size
JRStern wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 00:00:35 -0500,
>> Is it my imagination or are eggs getitng smaller? I have always bought jumbo
>> size eggs as opposed to extra large. It seems lately that the eggs are smaller
>> than they used to be. Is this possible? Wouldn't size of eggs be regulated by
>> some government agency? Dept. of Agriculture or some such.
> I've been buying "omega 3" eggs, and besides being more expensive
> (just because they throw in some flax seed), they are almost always
> just "large", which is not very.
> But I imagine some health benefits, real or not.
> J.
Being an _______, I buy eggs from chickens that have been treated
humanely. I started thinking about this when I was near a couple of
places that had chickens and purveyed eggs. Hmmm. No sign of the
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Jean B.[_1_]
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