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Gary Gary is offline
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Default I've just realized. . .

Julie Bove wrote:
> Maybe most places where she is. Here, you only get nachos with cheese sauce
> at snack bar or concession stand.

And they are still nachos and that cheese *does* make the chips soggy
in short order.

Are there 7-11 stores on the west coast? Ever try their nachos? Back
in the beginning (about 30 years ago) they only put melted cheese on
them. This cheese does have some pepper heat to it. Those were good
and I'll still buy them plain like that sometimes.

Later on though, they offered other toppings along with the cheese...
chili, onions, tomatoes, jalapeno slices. All this is good too. These
are "make it yourself" supreme nachos.

Any combination will turn the chips soggy fairly quickly and at the
end, you are eating them with a spoon.

Then I learned to put the cheese off to the side and keep the chips
dry. Doing this ensures a nice crunchy tortilla chip right up to the
last one.

As I said, everyone has their own versions. I don't care if what I eat
is not authentic Mexican food. I don't live in Mexico and I don't care
what they eat there either.
