Thread: Egg size
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Egg size

On 2/1/2015 8:05 AM, The Cook wrote:

> In the US a box of eggs is graded by the net weight of the box. You
> can have some large and some small ones if the total weight of the
> eggs in the box meets the standard.
> Google "egg size chart" and see the standard size of each egg and the
> box total.
> The 3 digit number on the box is the date they were packed.
> If you are buying directly from the farm, a box can have a variety of
> sizes in one box.

I used to go to a local egg farm until they burned down. The sorting is
all mechanized and very precise. Any of the larger farms will be very
consistent package to package. The small had filled egg cartons will
have some varition.