Thread: Egg size
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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Egg size

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 23:13:06 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 00:00:35 -0500, wrote:
>>>> Is it my imagination or are eggs getitng smaller? I have always bought jumbo
>>>> size eggs as opposed to extra large. It seems lately that the eggs are smaller
>>>> than they used to be. Is this possible? Wouldn't size of eggs be regulated by
>>>> some government agency? Dept. of Agriculture or some such.
>>> Graded by weight. X-Large must be 2.25 ounces or more. They are 1/4
>>> ounce increments. Maybe your hands are getting bigger.

>>I disagree with that, too. The sizes of eggs in a box vary considerably.

> The physical size/configuration is meaningless, eggs are measured by
> weight... some chickens produce eggs that are more round than oval, to
> the human eye they appear to be larger but by weight they fall within
> the standard.

So it's possible that they are more dense than they used to be and
the volume is indeed smaller. Which means my hands are not getting larger.