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Default Korean Red Pepper Powder

On Sun, 1 Feb 2015 11:29:50 -0800 (PST), dsi1 >

> On Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 3:24:15 AM UTC-10, Mike wrote:
> > I've been on a mild kimchi spree and when I showed my product to a
> > lady at the office, she said it wasn't authentic because I used red
> > pepper flakes instead of powder.
> >
> > Since there is a Korean market just around the corner, I went there
> > and bought the smallest containor (1 pound) of GoChuKaRow.
> >
> > Can I use this as if it were simply a hotter version of paprika with
> > other dishes? - Mike

> The sky's pretty much the limit with this stuff. The Korean stuff will come in a course grind and a fine powder that's pretty neat. The fine powder is sometimes labeled as "paprika" although my guess is that it's the same peppers as the course grind.
> I have a bag of each kind. Neither of the grinds are very hot so you'd use it liberally in your dishes. I use the Korean pepper in most anything where a reddish tinge and a slight bite is desired. I've rolled meatloaf in the powder. The loaf comes out looking goofy as hell. I enjoy using this red spice - it makes me happy.

So what's the difference between that, Hungarian paprika (which comes
in both sweet & hot) and Aleppo pepper which has more heat than sweet
but isn't very hot? I love the flavor & heat level of Aleppo when I
taste it by itself, but the subtlety is easily lost in a dish, so I've
gotten to the point where if I want heat, cayenne does the job.

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