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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Soup for a winter day

On Wed, 04 Feb 2015 19:04:08 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> I was in a store today and spotted some smoked ham hocks. I grabbed
>one to use for a base for soup and made my second attempt at Snert, a
>Dutch green pea soup. My previous attempt did not work out well when the
>frozen ham hock turned out to be a tenderloin.
>I boiled the ham hock and about 1/2 pound of dried green peas in
>chicken broth for about an hour, then added chopped celery, onion,
>carrot and a couple chopped potatoes and simmered it for another hour.
>I sampled some. Wow! It is delicious. Now I need some Rookworst or
>German sausage to finish it off.

I just looked up Snert. I hadn't heard the term before. That's how I
learned to make pea soup.
BTW, I hate the frozen ham 'hocks'. Every time I have gotten a
package in the last several years it hasn't been hocks and often the
item is sour. I currently used smoked bacon ends and pieces.
Janet US