>Default LUser splutters:
>>Phred wrote:
>>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>> >>Default LUser splutters:
>> >>
>> >>What you see as "condensed milk" is sweetened condensed milk, that is
>> >>milk with a bunch of sugar added.
>> >
>> >Nope. If it doesn't say "Sweetened" then it is not. Evaporated Milk and
>> >Condensed Milk are EXACTLY the same... in modern times which term is used
>> >depends on where in the world one is.
>> Well here in Oz, the two types are mostly different in sugar
>> content and "other" (water?). According to the compositions of the
>> Carnation formulations [best viewed in fixed font such as Courier]:
>Sheldum the idiot fails to recognize is that while technically possible
>to have condensed milk that is the same thing as evaporated, no US
>manufacturer produces such a thing. What you seen in the stores as
>condensed milk is sweetened condensed.
What you fail to recognize is that you are a food moron.
sweetened condensed milk
A mixture of whole milk and sugar, 40 to 45 percent of which is sugar. This
mixture is heated until about 60 percent of the water evaporates. The resulting
condensed mixture is extremely sticky and sweet. Unsweetened condensed milk is
referred to as EVAPORATED MILK. . . and Brian Rodentborn is a jerk.
© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995
based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
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