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Oregonian Haruspex Oregonian Haruspex is offline
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Default lamb shoulder chops for dinner 2-5-2015

On 2015-02-06 06:27:37 +0000, sf said:

> I cooked *Australian* lamb shoulder chops tonight and yes, they were
> just as mild as they were before - so it wasn't an enigma for this
> grocery chain.
> I made a mint chermoula, but didn't marinate the lamb in it because I
> didn't know how strong the taste of mint would be (hubby hates mint).
> The mint was spearmint ( and it looks like the same mint I see on the
> side of Vietnamese Pho), thankfully, it didn't overwhelm the cilantro
> + parsley, lemon and garlic. I also added ground cumin seed and
> coriander.
> Served with roasted potato slices and broccolini.
> Hubby said more than once: This tastes Greek! So that was a real
> compliment. Yes, it was delicious.

I love both shoulder and arm chops. Lamb is one of the last meats that
they haven't figured out how to profitably hormone-ize and such. One
can consider it, by default, organic.

I like to make soups with the neck portion and shanks as well. As you
know the coriander and garlic are natural with lamb. I also like to
put a bunch of turmeric in - it is really good for you and always goes
well with lamb.

I have two arm chops that I am going to eat tonight, after marinading
them in the whey from some yogurt I made the other day.