On Sat, 07 Feb 2015 18:12:28 -0500, jmcquown >
>In 2008-09 the residents in this area (Beaufort/Lady's Island/Saint
>Helena Island) fought (and won) against a proposed new WalMart Super
>Center on Lady's Island. The issue has reared it's ugly head again.
>The original commercial zoning of the property called for a series of
>small shops, no more than two stories high and in keeping with
>"lowcountry" architectural style. After WalMart was beaten down the
>owner of the property sued the city. As a result of a settlement he was
>granted a variance allowing construction of an up to 150,000 square foot
>building on the property. WalMart is back, proposing a 149,979 square
>foot Super Center. Arrrgh!
>No request for building permits have been filed with the City Planning
>Commission yet but it sure looks like we're in for another fight.
just curious Jill, what arguement did your group use to successfully
block Wally's move on to the island? A small town council near my
house refused to allow Wally World in a few years ago and what did
Wally do? Instead of one SuperCenter they built three surrounding the
town! The world's largest capitalist pig marches forward...the 800
pound gorilla of retailing. Can you believe K-Mart did'nt even notice
those country bumpkins back in the eighties.