On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 19:30:41 -0600, John Kuthe >
>I dropped the glass lid of my little glass Pyrex cooking bowl I've
>been using literally for years! Shattered it. :-(
>I'd like to replace the whole bowl and lid with a comparable set, but
>all I can find are glass bowls with plastic lids.
>Anyone know where I can get a little 1/2 to 1qt glass bowl with a
>glass lid?
>John Kuthe...
Well, now I gave glass bowls with glass lids coming out my ears!
I bought 3 very nice little Anchor Hocking bowls from some online
website someone here suggested (thanks!) and two little smalllish
squarish bowls offf Ebay which I will probably never even use!
Thanks RFC!
John Kuthe...
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