Thanksgiving Stuffing
"Dimitri" > wrote in message .com>...
> "SportKite1" > wrote in message
> ...
> > >From: "Dimitri"
> > >Well I want to throw away the traditional stuff. You know onion, celery,
> > >sausage, apple, ad infinitum, ad nausium.
> > >
> > ># 2 daughter is a semi vegetarian - she's not a vegetarian she just
> doesn't
> > >like eating flesh. Great pepperoni, salami or jerky is fine and she has
> no
> > >hesitation eating around the meat. She will take a big helping of
> > >stroganoff and just remove the steak.
> > >
> > >So I would like to make a different stuffing if it uses meat that's ok
> but
> > >not essential.
> > >
> > >Suggestions?
> >
> > I'm fond of cornbread stuffing with toasted pecans and dried cranberries.
> Hard
> > to imagine making it without onions, but celery could be omitted since the
> > pecans would provide a nice crunch.
> >
> > You could add a little boozy flavor by soaking the dried cranberries in
> some
> > Grand Marnier (save the soaking liquid for a nice shot for the cook), and
> used
> > fresh orange and lemon zest to give the stuffing zing.
> >
> > The pecans could be toasted with a sprinkling of Paul Prudomme's
> blackening
> > seasoning or a reasonable facsimile and a touch of real maple syrup. Not a
> lot,
> > just a hint. Chop coursely and add to the cornbread, along with some fresh
> > marjoram, sea salt and pepper. Vegie broth and melted butter to moisten.
> Bake
> > separately for DD and stuff the Turkey with the rest.
> >
> > Then you could glaze the turkey with a maple-citrus-butter mixture.
> >
> > Just a thought.
> > Ellen
> Wow Maple Citrus - got a recipe?
> As far as the onions and celery are concerned - They're OK I was just
> wondering about different things maybe leeks and anise root or celery root.
> I don't know.
> Dimitri
Stuffed anise root braised in roasting turkey might make a nice
stuffing. Wild and white or wild and mixed white and brown rice would
do well as primary ingredients.