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>"SPOONS" writes:
>The other day I had a friend over for dinner and as I was getting the
>boneless skinless chicken out of it's packaging she says to me..."Aren't you
>going to rinse that???" I said "No, I only do that if I see some blood on

How do you know that chicken didn't fall on the floor, or where the butcher's
hands were last, and have you ever seen the surface used to cut up, debone, and
de-skin hundreds of chickens?

Then she went on to say that when she cooks with chicken she always
>rinses it and then sprinkles a lot of salt on it and leaves it on for awhile
>then when she's ready to cook it she rinses off all of the salt. She says
>she does this because it cleans the chicken. I think it's silly. Am I
>Does anyone else do this? Is she wasting her time or does it do anything?

I always rinse chicken, whole chickens especially well, and make sure to remove
any clinging guts from the cavity. Once it passes my gut-less test I dry it
inside and out with paper towels and either salt it or or give it a good
citrus douche. If salt I rinse it again and dry it again before seasoning. If
citrused I simply leave the acid as part of the seasoning. Not an hour ago I
prepared a Perdue Oven Roaster as described above, used the juice of two fresh
limes along with a variety of other seasonings.... including the lime rinds
inside the cavity (except fro the one half fell into my wine glass), with legs
tucked into slits stabbed in those skin flaps. It sits on a rack in a pan in
the fridge as I type, awaiting tomorrow's company... if it stops raining it'll
get rotisseried on the Weber, if not it's all set to go in the oven.

So, are you so friggin' lazy you can't spend 30 seconds rinsing a few boneless
skinless chicken titties... I know from your post that I'm glad I never have to
eat at your house.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."