Ines Rosales Tortas
On 3/6/2015 4:39 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Roy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:35:23 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Does anyone here eat these? I used to love them!
Operative words: "used to". Try one, don't like it, don't buy a case of
it. Oh, so sorry your store suddenly stopped selling whatever the heck
this is. Seems to happen to you a lot.
>>> Just wondering if anyone else is noticing the same thing? These are not
>>> something I bought on a regular basis. I think I only bought three
>>> packages
>>> prior and a package will last me a while. But they never tasted burned
>>> before this.
>> It would seem that you seek out really strange foods. Your "buddy"
>> Squertzy and you like to try exotic foods and are not content with
>> regular tried and true food. Not saying that this is a bad thing but
>> seems a bit bizarre.
> How are they strange? They are Spanish and really good to serve with
> cheese. I am a picky eater but I do like trying new and different (to
> me) foods.
Um, thought you said you can't eat cheese. Dairy, remember? You seem
to buy a lot of food online, who knows why. Then when you get it you
don't like it. Or used to like it, hate it now. Or there's something
wrong with it, yada yada yada.
Yeah, folks, I'm picking on Julie. So sorry my bread isn't about to
expire. Nor is my butter or peppercorns. My rice doesn't have mouse
turds in it. I guess I should check the canned beans I have in the
pantry, just in case I need to "toss" something in the trash. Then I'll
hop on Amazon and order a bunch more stuff to throw away.