Ines Rosales Tortas
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 3/6/2015 4:39 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Roy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:35:23 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Does anyone here eat these? I used to love them!
> (snippage)
> Operative words: "used to". Try one, don't like it, don't buy a case of
> it. Oh, so sorry your store suddenly stopped selling whatever the heck
> this is. Seems to happen to you a lot.
>>>> Just wondering if anyone else is noticing the same thing? These are
>>>> not
>>>> something I bought on a regular basis. I think I only bought three
>>>> packages
>>>> prior and a package will last me a while. But they never tasted burned
>>>> before this.
>>> It would seem that you seek out really strange foods. Your "buddy"
>>> Squertzy and you like to try exotic foods and are not content with
>>> regular tried and true food. Not saying that this is a bad thing but
>>> seems a bit bizarre.
>> How are they strange? They are Spanish and really good to serve with
>> cheese. I am a picky eater but I do like trying new and different (to
>> me) foods.
> Um, thought you said you can't eat cheese. Dairy, remember? You seem to
> buy a lot of food online, who knows why. Then when you get it you don't
> like it. Or used to like it, hate it now. Or there's something wrong
> with it, yada yada yada.
I can eat Daiya cheese. It's dairy free. I don't often eat it as I don't
like it so much but I do put it on pizza. I am merely pointing out how
these are commonly eaten. I wouldn't consider them a strange food at all.
> Yeah, folks, I'm picking on Julie. So sorry my bread isn't about to
> expire. Nor is my butter or peppercorns. My rice doesn't have mouse
> turds in it. I guess I should check the canned beans I have in the
> pantry, just in case I need to "toss" something in the trash. Then I'll
> hop on Amazon and order a bunch more stuff to throw away.
When did I ever have expired butter? And yeah. You are picking on me. I
guess that's your thing.