Thread: Rubbery Chicken
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Matthew L. Martin
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Joe Rizzo wrote:
> I just cooked a 8 lb chicken on a Big Green Egg. Temp 325, for about 5
> hrs. Internal temp of the chicken was 180 degrees. The meat was like
> chewing rubber. What could I have done wrong. The only thing I did to
> the bird was sprinkle some poultry seasoning on and had it roasting
> upright over a can of Bud on a rack.
> Any input would be appreciated.

Please lose the HTML.

If, as others have suggested, you bought a stewing hen instead of a
roaster, that would be the problem. If it was a roasting chicken, I'd
wager it was also very dry. I usually roast an 8# roaster for 2 1/2 to 3
hours at that temperature. When I smoke them at 250-275 they take
between 6 and seven hours. Smoked, they are never rubbery (except the
skin) and IME, never dry.
