Thread: Speaking of pi
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I'm back on the laptop I'm back on the laptop is offline
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Default Speaking of pi

Nancy Young > wrote in

> On 3/15/2015 11:04 AM, I'm back on the laptop wrote:
>> Nancy Young > wrote

>>>> And last night they had that silly damn movie "The Life of Pi" on
>>>> TV.
>>> Ha, I did see that. Nice looking movie.

>> We cut in where he was in the lifeboat with a zebra and an orangutan,
>> and then a hyena jumped out from under the cover and killed the
>> zebra, then the orangutan.... and then a tiger jumped out of the same
>> hiding place and killed the hyena... we were both like....
>> "WTF???!!".... and changed channel!!

> I rather got the idea what to expect before seeing it. The only
> WTF movie I remember quitting on was about Noah's ark and there were
> ancient rock people helping them. I tried to hang in there but it
> was just ludicrous.

!!! Noah's Ark and ancient rock people!!??

I have several movies that are my 'go to' for sleep.

"Pulp Fiction" and the "Kill Bill' movies.

I've tried to watch PF about 4 times before I realised it was like an
anesthetic to me.

So then I used it about another 20 odd times when I was finding it hard to
go to sleep :-)

Samesame for the Kill Bill movies.

I must wrire Tarantino a letter and thank him for the help ;-)

>>> I don't combine chicken and cheese too often, but that sounds like
>>> a good combination.

>> One of the very few pastry items around here that doesn't have any
>> pepper in it. We were very suprised that it was quite tasty as well
>> :-)

> Like a pot pie?


Like this.... but these are just little bite sized pies.

Tried looking for a pic of the pie from the cafe we go to, but they don't
have one .... so they are the next best thing :-)

I also make my own sausage rolls as most commercial s'rolls have pepper in

>>> Happy Fall?

>> Just about. The leaves are just starting to change.
>> A couple of weeks time and it's going to be quite spectacular around
>> here.

> That's what I'm thinking, except on the flip flop. My snowdrops are
> in bloom and I'm gearing up for the spring.

We haven't had much of a summer down here, but we went back to Brisbane
recently for our grand-daughters 1st b'day party and boy!! did we cop it up

Walked out of the airport and started sweating straight away!!

We were glad to get back home :-) It's a lovely 12.5c outside at the

Autumn/Fall here looks like it's going to be pretty cool, so I'm going to
start pruning of the fruit trees and vines soon and start prepping the
garlic beds for planting.
