On 3/15/2015 10:04 PM, I'm back on the laptop wrote:
> Nancy Young > wrote
>> I rather got the idea what to expect before seeing it. The only
>> WTF movie I remember quitting on was about Noah's ark and there were
>> ancient rock people helping them. I tried to hang in there but it
>> was just ludicrous.
> !!! Noah's Ark and ancient rock people!!??
Russell Crowe starred. I think I called it quits when the
rock people started helping with the heavy lifting building
the ark. I tried thinking of it as a comedy but I just didn't
get it. Or care to.
> I have several movies that are my 'go to' for sleep.
> "Pulp Fiction" and the "Kill Bill' movies.
> I've tried to watch PF about 4 times before I realised it was like an
> anesthetic to me.
> So then I used it about another 20 odd times when I was finding it hard to
> go to sleep :-)
> Samesame for the Kill Bill movies.
Some shows do that to me, even some that I really like. Can't think
of any movies that have that effect but now that they've put
recliners in the movie theaters, all bets are off.
> I must wrire Tarantino a letter and thank him for the help ;-)
He'd be thrilled, I'm sure.
>>> One of the very few pastry items around here that doesn't have any
>>> pepper in it. We were very suprised that it was quite tasty as well
>>> :-)
>> Like a pot pie?
> Similar.
> Like this.... but these are just little bite sized pies.
> http://tasmanianbakeries.com.au/cate.../fancy-little-
> pies
Oh, they look good.
> Tried looking for a pic of the pie from the cafe we go to, but they don't
> have one .... so they are the next best thing :-)
> I also make my own sausage rolls as most commercial s'rolls have pepper in
> them.
You don't like pepper, I take it.
> http://s199.photobucket.com/user/Pet...ausage%20rolls
Nice. Not the same but it reminded me I'm running out of weather
to make stromboli.
>> That's what I'm thinking, except on the flip flop. My snowdrops are
>> in bloom and I'm gearing up for the spring.
> We haven't had much of a summer down here, but we went back to Brisbane
> recently for our grand-daughters 1st b'day party and boy!! did we cop it up
> there!!
> Walked out of the airport and started sweating straight away!!
> We were glad to get back home :-) It's a lovely 12.5c outside at the
> moment.
Happy first to the granddaughter, that's nice.
This winter wasn't horrible where I live, so I'm hoping the
growing season arrives on time this year, not like last year.
> Autumn/Fall here looks like it's going to be pretty cool, so I'm going to
> start pruning of the fruit trees and vines soon and start prepping the
> garlic beds for planting.
There's always something. Good luck with that, I'll be starting the
seedlings this week.