On 3/16/2015 12:10 AM, I'm back on the laptop wrote:
> Nancy Young > wrote
>>> I also make my own sausage rolls as most commercial s'rolls have
>>> pepper in them.
>> You don't like pepper, I take it.
> Unfortunately, it's not that I don't like it (I used to have chilli and
> pepper on most things, and loved all spicy food), it's just my
> stomachs/body's metabolism/chemical makeup has changed and I can't have
> it . Same with anything spicy.
Ah. That stinks.
>> Nice. Not the same but it reminded me I'm running out of weather
>> to make stromboli.
> Over here they would be called a calzone :-)
Not here. A calzone resembles a folded pizza more than anything.
A stromboli is rolled and otherwise doesn't resemble any calzone
I've had.
> http://s199.photobucket.com/user/Pet...y/Pizza%20and%
> 20calzones?sort=2&page=1
Yes, those look like calzone. Not that I eat them anymore,
then tend to be melted cheese bombs and it's not a good thing
for me.
>> There's always something. Good luck with that, I'll be starting the
>> seedlings this week.
> You're not kidding there's always something!!
(laugh) On a walk I passed some guy cutting down some tree in
his front yard and I said It's always something. He responded just
like you did.
> I've got to harvest the wild rocket soonish (it grows on our property
> like a weed!!) before the cold really sets in and use it all to make my
> rocket pesto, some of the neighbours want me to cull a couple of the
> turkey's wandering around the place for a Christmas in July party, some
> other people in the village want me to teach them how to 'sex' their
> chickens and process their roosters, I'm also running rabbit processing
> classes, roasting and blending spices for curry mixes (to sell at the
> local markets) for the coming winter, I've got to get my cold smoker up
> and running to do garlic, salt, cheese and salmon.... and then I've got
> to keep on top of the firewood issue and keep my 5 wood 'stations'
> stocked on a rotational basis from the trees I felled, cut and split on
> our property.
> Ahhhh retirement bliss ;-)
Who has time for it?