Watch your cart!
On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 14:02:28 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 08:28:05 -1000, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 3/23/2015 7:24 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> We went to Costco today, it was remarkably empty, no one
>>> in line for gas, not too many people in the store. Cool.
>>> I was in a hunt to find the steam mop I wanted and left Ron
>>> with the cart.
>>> He stepped away look look at something and caught a woman
>>> make a sneaky move and stole the only thing in the cart!
>>> My coupon book!
>>> Why he didn't say anything, I don't know. I think he was just
>>> astonished. Bad enough my name and address are on the book,
>>> my written shopping list was in there, a good size list.
>>> Don't worry, I didn't forget to get the bananas. Heh.
>>> Good thing my bag wasn't in there, we be sealing the entrance.
>>> Thief on the loose.
>> Maybe you should move to a better neighborhood. :-)
>This is proof she lives in a good neighborhood. If it was a bad
>neighborhood people wouldn't steal stuff out of your cart for fear of
>getting shot.
Did you see the Arizona Walmart thing this a.m.?
Janet US