"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 3/23/2015 2:24 PM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 13:24:15 -0400, Nancy Young
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Why he didn't say anything, I don't know. I think he was just
>>>> astonished. Bad enough my name and address are on the book,
>>>> my written shopping list was in there, a good size list.
>>> Weird thing is that you do not need the coupons there at all. In all
>>> the years I have shopped there, I was never denied a sale price
>>> because I did not have the book. For a while hey wanted you to show an
>>> app on your phone, but that lasted about 3 months, then they just went
>>> back to automatically granting the sales price.
>> For a long time I would have to hand them the coupons to get the
>> price (hello, I'm a member, see the card? Why do I have to clip
>> coupons?), then I learned if you gave them one coupon, all the sale
>> prices would ring up.
>> Then they finally went to the clipless coupons but you had to
>> show the book (or your app). Day 1 I asked the cashier Do I
>> really need to bring my book? No. She just laughed.
>> Frankly, I think I only brought the book because it had my list
>> in there and it wouldn't get lost that way. so much for that.
>>> Missing shopping lists are something else altogether,of course. Cause
>>> for war.
>> Right? (laugh) Those big stores, I walk in and immediately
>> forget half the stuff I needed. Hence, the. list.
> Without a list, I have to go down each aisle to look at everything to see
> if I need it
I keep my list on my phone these days, that way I am sure
> to have it with me.
I hate having to keep my phone out. I have to do that with mobile coupons
and they are a PITA. I don't normally even use my phone for the Cartwheel
app. I try to remember to print if off before I leave. I just find a piece
of paper so much easier and quicker to use than the phone. I will sometimes
print a list off from the computer, especially if I am buying from several
different stores in one trip.
When I do paper lists, I can put stuff on the list in the order in which it
appears in the store. Makes it much easier and if I am going just
specifically for what is on the list then I don't have to go up and down
every aisle.