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Watch your cart!
On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 14:14:44 -0700 (PDT), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote:
>On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 1:22:46 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 3/24/2015 4:51 AM, wrote:
>> > On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:00:24 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> LOL, yeah a furtive look and getting away quickly makes it pretty much a
>> >> theft. I had to laugh when you said your dh didn't say anything to her, same
>> >> with my dh when a woman walking her dog stopped and let the dog poop in our
>> >> yard, and then hurried on. He was out there but he said he was so surprised
>> >> with the nerve of her that he didn't say anything.
>> >
>> > I would have picked the turd up and rubbed it all over her.
>> > And yes, *then* wash my hands.
>> >
>> I'd never do that because she could get you for assault. I have
>> delivered dog droppings back to the owner. I'm sure they had some
>> cleanup to do.
>You could have picked up the dogshit with a gloved hand, and instead
>of just depositing it in their yard, rubbed it all over the front door
>An excerpt from a post from several years ago:
>If someone is taking their dog out to shit by the sidewalk and
>not cleaning up after it, then taking the dog back inside where
>it willspend all day until her or her boyfriend get home from work
>you can take a 00 size gelatin capsule filled with Pure Cap (made
>by Garden Row Foods ) and take
>a small piece of steak to which you have made an incision just
>right to completely enclose the capsule and insert the capsule.
>Since dogs scarf small pieces of meat whole, it will be some time
>before the capsule dissolves, but when it does extreme peristalsis
>will occur, and when the stuff reaches the large intestine, which
>has pain sensitive nerves, the dog--no matter how much of a "good
>dog" he or she is--will not be able to control its bowels. Add to
>that the fact that the dog's asshole will also be burning like hell
>right after it shits, and you know what that'll lead to, right?
>You guessed it, butthole surfing across the carpets.
>Yeah, all those times I had to walk past that stinking dogshit on my
>way to catch the bus to school...It's fun to make the punishment fit
>the crime.
>Now that this much time has gone by, I can reveal that I personally
>knew the woman. She was in one of my sociology classes at UM St.
>Louis. My god, hard to believe that was ~20 years ago.
>If people regularly shit their dogs in your yard, you now know how to
>exact punishment, though it will only really kick ass if the person
>leaves the dog inside, unattended for several hours after the dog eats
>the meat.
>If you don't want to spend the money on Pure Cap, I'd imagine that
>finely minced habanero pepper packed into the gel cap would do the job.
You are truly evil, Bryan.
John Kuthe...
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