On 24 Mar 2015 20:47:51 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>I have a Tracfone Android unit. I have yet to turn on my GPS or sign
>up w/ Gobble. Damned if the thing doesn't still do what I want,
>namely, serve as a portable phone. 
Most folks, though, use their smartphones for much, much more than
calls and txts - shopping, music, photography, banking, payments...you
collect all that info and you have a great way of targeting people for
ads when they open a browser or downloaded app that pushes ads.
Most retailers have apps now, too, and there are some retailers out
there that are making a good percentage of their profit from data
sales rather than retail sales.
Trending is away from desktops and laptops and towards tablets and
smartphones. Way of the world.