On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 06:56:23 -0700 (PDT), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote:
>On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 8:36:48 AM UTC-5, Sharon wrote:
>> "Sharon" wrote in message ...
>> Can anyone tell me what this is? I don't think it's available in Canada
>> and I'd like to substitute in a recipe. It's a recipe for Macaroni and
>> cheese soup. It looks like it might be the thickener.
>> Tia....Sharon
>> Just me again. I found it online. It's a thickener and a seasoning soup
>> base. I should have googled it before I posted....Thanks ...Sharon
>For dumb slobs who just barely know how to cook. You'd be better off sticking
>with Stouffer's frozen dinners.
Yoiu realize, this disdain you feel towards anyone whop YOU feel
doersn't have the cooking knowledge or acumen that YOU feel YOU have
is a glaring sign of YOUR probable Narcississtic Personality Disorder?
Along with the FACT that you fit most if not all the other diagnostic
signs of Narcississtic Personaity Disorder?
Look it up, "Mr. Googles everything because I have NO DEGREES"!
John Kuthe...
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