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Randy R
Posts: n/a

"Karen" > wrote in message
> magoo1 wrote:
> > Trader Joe's says its chai latte decaf is "a seasonal item that won't be
> > available until the fall."
> >
> > Am looking for a source now, please.

Any idea what kind of Chai this is? If it's an artificially flavored chai
like Oregon Chai, you might like David Rio, Barry's favorite.
If it is an authentic chai made with tea, then the Republic of Tea chai
referenced below is probably good, or you might like Sattwa Chai (my
favorite,) either concentrate like Oregon Chai, or just tea and spices in a
packet that you brew like black tea (this is just a little spicier than the
concentrate.) I don't believe they don't make decaf though, and I don't know
who sells it retail.

> Maybe not quite what you are looking for, but this is lovely:
> Karen R.