Tea stain
On 28/03/2015 11:54 am, Scott Dorsey wrote:
> notbob > wrote:
>> One of my fave teas is good ol' Earl Grey. I've found only one brand
>> I did not like, but this outta many EGs. Basically, I wanna know if
>> EG and other black teas use a dye. Not only is my white tea cup
>> stained after a cuppa EG, but my stainless steel tea spoon is also
>> stained! I've yet to run across anything that would stain stainless
>> steel. Only Earl Grey tea.
>> Is this true of other black teas?
> Black teas have a large amount of tannin in them.... how much depends a
> lot on how the tea is processed. This _is_ a dye, but it's a natural
> dye that comes from the tea plant.
> However, it shouldn't stain a stainless-steel spoon, not if you are
> washing it regularly. It will stain teacups if you don't wash them.
Inncorrect, I drink Black Tea blends such as English Breakfast and Earl
Grey, and they even stain my stainless steel teapot, spoons and cups.
Just leave them to soak for a couple of hours in a bowl of warm water
with a small amount of bleach added which is much more effective
removing tannin staining than washing-up liquid or dish soap.
> Try a CTC tea, it should stain even more than Earl Grey.
> --scott
> I will say that there ARE some Chinese greens that have artificial coloring
> added to them, but that's a whole different problem of a different color.
>> nb