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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Which ham for Easter?

On Sat, 28 Mar 2015 22:23:38 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 3/28/2015 8:44 PM, Nellie wrote:
>>> Fresh ham, the king of roasts. Cured hams no matter which is crap
>>> they're just preserved chemically treated ham. Once you try fresh ham
>>> cured will never again satisfy.

>> Okay, sounds good, thanks. Anything in particular I should ask for? or will it be obvious? Lunardi's butchers are great and I rely on them quite a bit, but there are some young butchers working there and I worry that they may not know all that they should.
>> Thanks again,
>> Nellie

>Fresh ham will be with the rest of the pork if available. It is a pork
>roast, not at all like a cured ham.
>Ham sort of has two meanings. The ham is a cut of meat from the rear
>leg of the hog. It is a nice big tender piece of meat.
>The term "ham" is also used for some cured pork roasts. The front
>leeg, when cure, is often call the Picnic Ham.
>Sheldon does not like cured ham. Many of us do. Cured and fresh are
>both good, just different.

I like cured ham, in fact I have a butt half cured ham in the fridge
now that I will cook tomorrow, but for company I much prefer to serve
fresh ham... even a half fresh ham is too much for one or two. Fresh
ham is not available year yound mainly because most hams are cured so
they won't spoil. Fresh ham can't be stored in the fridge more than
3-4 days before it's cooked and not many families would want such a
large roast other than for a holiday meal when they are serving
company, so fresh ham is generally sold at Christmas and Easter,
sometimes Thanksgiving but usually not as most serve turkey. In many
areas one needs to order and reserve a fresh ham, a lot of stores
simply don't ordinarilly carry them even at holiday time.
On sale was a great buy, on my new Nordic Ware sheet pan:
I will cook the ham tomorrow, was too busy today spring cleaning the
deck and the heated houses. Also people like cured hams because
they're no work, only needs to cook 10 minutes a pound, fresh ham is
more prep work and much longer cooking time.
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