Thread: Rubbery Chicken
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Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:39:13 -0500, "Banjo"
> wrote:

>> It somehow manages to disable your cursor keys?

>Beg pardon? I don't speak snide. And you should be ashamed to do so.

Trust me when I say that I'm just filled with shame and bitter
self-recrimination right now.

>I think it had something to do with his HTML that confused me. I TRIED to
>bottom-post, but it kept looking like part of the original message. So I
>top-posted, and apologised for it.

You "apologized" by saying "my newsreader is weird," even though you
are using what is arguably the most common newsreader on Usenet. I
pointed you to software that offers a solution to your inability to
use OE correctly. Other software exists, as well. It's called "A Real

>Sorry if that wasn't good enough for you.

That's okay. You can try harder next time.

BTW, is your delete key b0rken, too, or is there some other reason you
quoted all of the post at the bottom of your follow-up?

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Anything, when cooked in large enough batches, will be vile."
--Dag Right-square-bracket-gren, in alt.religion.kibology