On 3/31/2015 6:44 PM, The Cook wrote:
> It seems to be available to people in the US. I got a notice from
> them about a week ago about renewing. Today I got a message from
> Click & Buy that they payment has been sent.
Just today my subscription with NIN was renewed through ClickandBuy.
For those who are curious, here's the low-down
Date: 03/31/2015 06:17:43 PM EDT
Selected offer: News.Individual.NET Subscription Renewal
until 01.04.2016
Amount to pay: EUR 10.00 (USD 11.39)
Currency Exchange Rate: 1 USD = 0.877917 EUR
It was actually quite nice that my credit card company contacted
(actually, texted my unsmart-phone) me to inquire if I had actually
authorized this charge with ClickandBuy.
OB Food: Still haven't figured out what to do for a late dinner :/
Sky, who's located nearly smack-dab in the middle of the Midwest USA