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Default Drinking for dummies

Cult of Nurse's > wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > federal government decided to strongarm the states into
> > setting the same age (21) everywhere. This was done under
> > the urging of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and some other
> > "safety" lobbyists. Before then, it did vary from state

> The point is that there was a time called 'happy hour' where everyone
> got tanked up. In the present day, there are quite many more cars on the
> road and no happy hours, thank the latter, scourge the former. (I

You think there are no more "happy hours?" There certainly is
around here. But what does that have to do with drinking age
being 18 or 21, and the states being forced to toe the line?

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.