Buns and dogs
Brooklyn1 wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2015 11:56:09 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:31:14 -0500, cshenk wrote:
> >
> >> Gary wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> >>
> >>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I never buy burger buns either, I much prefer hard rolls... in
> fact >>>> I have five pounds of top round thawing that I intend to
> grind >>>> tomorrow and use for burgers, two for dinner tomorrow and
> four to >>>> freeze.
> >>>
> >>> You're making 6 hamburgers from 5 pounds of meat? How much do you
> >>> weigh?
> >>
> >> Actually once he trims the excess fat, thats 3/4lb burgers.
> >
> > There's is very little fat on top round. You'd want to keep all the
> > fat you can on top round for grinding into burgers. And een then
> > you're gonna end up with something about 93% lean, which makes for
> > shitty burgers. 85% lean is as low as you'll want to go for proper
> > burgers.
> >
> >> 1/2lb is
> >> common so he's going a little bigger. For all we know, 1/2 is
> lunch >> and 1/2 is dinner.
> >
> > No, he basically said he was going to use almost 2lbs of ground
> > round "for dinner tomorrow" and freeze the rest. He will give half
> > of one to the cats. That's still 1.3lbs of beef for dinner.
> >
> > -sw
> The dwarf is absolutely functionally illiterate. Top round makes
> excellent burgers. I trim most of the fat, silver skin, and all parts
> that look suspect and feed it to the crows. But I add back olive oil
> so to reduce cholesterol.
Well I recall you and I talking of grinding meat several times. I know
you trim as needed. I partly freeze then with a very sharp knife may
cut off the outer layer (any contamination will be there).
Other times we use the mild bleach rinse method (from you? Can't
recall). The bleach was like 1 small cap in a sink full of water.
About the same as you'd use to clear water if you need to for a canteen
when out in the bush and filling from a stream. (hubbie did 18 months
in Vietnam)
Hubbie was really familiar with that when I mentioned it so he sets up
the sink while I assemble the machine then he dunks it for about 30-60
seconds, pulls it out and rinses then to the clean cutting surface.
I get a fair amount of freezerburned meat for free of freecycle for
feeding the dogs. Dogs can't taste that unless it's really really bad,
like a 10,000 year old mammoth (grin). We usually trim off the
outermost layer (let them sample it, normally they like it and if so
they get that right away), then we grind the rest and package in 1/2
cup or so amounts (works right for 1 feeding here) and refreeze. Pull
out 1 a day and match with a balanced kibble. That reminds me, tim to
see if any have any freezerburned venison again. I think we are far
enough past the season now...