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dadiOH[_2_] dadiOH[_2_] is offline
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Default Is there a way to slice meat thinly as luncheon meat at home?

Danny D. wrote:
> At a deli, they use a special meat slicer, but, is there something
> affordable we can use at home to slice luncheon meat thinly?
> I have my sister and her kids staying with me for a few months (don't
> ask), and we pack them a lunch every school day, so I picked up big
> hunks of Costco ham, turkey, and cheese, figuring I'd slice it up for
> the kids to make sandwiches.
> But I can't manually knife the stuff as thinly as they do with the
> professional rotating blade meat slicers at the supermarket.
> Is there a shop tool that's common that we can use to slice this meat
> up thinly? Or do I have to buy an expensive meat slicer (which is
> probably too expensive to be worthwhile)?

Freeze the meat and use your joiner like a huge microtome



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