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Don Phillipson[_3_] Don Phillipson[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Is there a way to slice meat thinly as luncheon meat at home?

"Danny D." > wrote in message

> At a deli, they use a special meat slicer, but, is there something
> affordable we can use at home to slice luncheon meat thinly?
> . . .
> Is there a shop tool that's common that we can use to slice this meat up
> thinly? Or do I have to buy an expensive meat slicer (which is probably
> too expensive to be worthwhile)?

An electric carving knife may do what you want.
(It lets us slice smoked salmon as thinly as the
texture of the flesh allows. It cost $10 used at a
Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)