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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Is there a way to slice meat thinly as luncheon meat at home?

On Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:59:50 +0000 (UTC), "Danny D."
> wrote:

> sf wrote, on Tue, 21 Apr 2015 23:09:34 -0700:
> > You need either a very sharp knife and enough skill to make your
> > slices even or invest in a meat slicer.

> I have tried hand sharpening knives, and that's a bust (for me).
> But I have a lot of good quality shop tools, so, my *first* hope is
> that I can simply buy a special thin stainless-steel blade and jig
> for, say, my Makita miter saw or my circular saw or use a table saw
> with a special setup, etc.
> I was hoping someone else had tried the shop-tool approach, and had
> recommendations and ideas for me. Otherwise, I will try it on my own,
> but, of course, it will take a lot of experimentation and tests.
> Worst case, I can buy a crappy lower-quality dedicated meat slicer,
> but, I don't yet understand why a quality shop tool can't be outfitted
> to do the job.
> I'm sure most cooks would shudder at using a shop tool, but, it's just
> a motor and blade after all, so, with a special blade, and some kind
> of clever jig setup, I don't see why an existing common shop tool
> wouldn't do the job as well.
> But, of course, I have no experience in this, so that's why I ask.

Where do you plan to find that "special blade"? To say nothing of the
conditions of your tools and shop that would come into contact with
food. Buy the cheapest meat slicer you can find because it won't
matter how long it lasts. With any luck, they'll be gone before you
need to replace it.

That said, I think you're wasting your time and money. If spare cash
is really burning a hole in your pocket - invest in knife sharpening

