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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Is there a way to slice meat thinly as luncheon meat at home?

"Danny D." wrote:

> But I have a lot of good quality shop tools, so, my *first* hope is
> that I can simply buy a special thin stainless-steel blade and jig
> for, say, my Makita miter saw or my circular saw or use a table saw
> with a special setup, etc.
> I was hoping someone else had tried the shop-tool approach, and had
> recommendations and ideas for me.
> I'm sure most cooks would shudder at using a shop tool, but, it's just
> a motor and blade after all, so, with a special blade, and some kind
> of clever jig setup, I don't see why an existing common shop tool
> wouldn't do the job as well.

You insist on using your shop tools?
Use your lathe to make shaved lunchmeat rather than sliced.
No need to buy anything new.
Just sharpen one bit to razor sharp and make sure the
machine is cleaned well before and after.
