On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:17:19 GMT, bbq > wrote:
>Graeme...in London wrote:
>> "M&M" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>I'm thanking everybody for all the suggestions. Just sorry that none
>>>of them panned out. Suggest caution to anyone using the online
>>>booking agencies. They appear to be totally inflexible. My bad. Even
>>>so, I'm going to make the trip since it's already paid for. Just sorry
>>>that I will miss meeting all the gang. I have met Dave and will enjoy
>>>jawing with him again.
>>>M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")
>> M&M
>> Just thought I might have another suggestion, that may be worth a shot.
>> If you have booked the flights online, you could always dispute the
>> transaction with your credit card company and ask them to suspend payment.
>> If the travel operator discovers that they are not going to receive payment,
>> it might press them to change your booking.
>> Might be worth a try.
>> Graeme
>At this point, I think that is your best option. Dispute the charge and
>see what happens. I think they have 30 days to respond
>Happy Q'en,
That is great advice. I ordered some software a few months ago and
the computer went mad and triple tapped me. We only found out when
the Card Statement came. I phoned the Card guys [didn't need
perpetual hold from the software guys], told them about the triple tap
and they promptly corrected that right on the spot - credit me/back
charge vendor - done deal! Try it.