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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Diet Pepsi to ditch the aspartame

"Christopher Helms" > wrote in message
On Friday, April 24, 2015 at 12:49:13 PM UTC-5, Janet B wrote:

I addition to having ditched Pepsi Max in the six packs, which I'm still
PO'd about, Pepsi is also ditching 24 ounce bottles in favor of 16.5 ounce
bottles. Basically, two less bottles per six pack, for the same price. I
think I'm going to ditch Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. for the same reason I got
rid of cable: Too much money chasing not enough good product to make it
worth the trouble. It was never a necessary purchase, anyway.


Someone I know only drank the caffeine free in the individual bottles and
they stopped making those a while back. She then went with Soda Stream but
it sure isn't saving her any money. She has to buy special, expensive
bottles for portability and they need frequent replacement.