"Janet B" > wrote in message
> http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/well...4M?ocid=msndhp
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/p4khkm2
I don't know that I buy this. I have seen this before and I have also
mentioned my cilantro incident here before. I love cilantro! When we first
moved back here, I grew it both in my kitchen garden window and outside. It
grows really well here!
But then one year we had weird, super hot for her weather and all of my
crops bolted. The cilantro had gone to seed but I attempted to use it
anyway. And it tasted like soap! That is the one and only time that it
Another time, I got some in my CSA package and it had no aroma to it
whatever. It did taste fine though.